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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I want to have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames: or How I Finally Know I'm OLD

I WANT TO HAVE MY KICKS BEFORE THE WHOLE SHITHOUSE GOES UP IN FLAMES. Actually quoted from Jim Morrison, but my sentiments exactly! It obviously isn't a new quote (since Jim has been dead or in hiding since 1971), probably between '68-70, and I personally have been using parts of it since at least the '80's, but here is the thing-I couldn't bolster the balls to paste it on my Facebook page! I've finally reached the AGE of reason, or fear or absurdity, that may be something akin to maturity. I don't know but it certainly suck!

I could have almost posted it if I'd chosen to give Jim credit. The people who don't know who said it think your bad ass or punk or God forbid emo or something. The people who do know who said it (and these are the people I really wanted to post it for) think you still have it, because you can still use it. But the reason I didn't post it, and the reason I fear I'm tumbling headlong in to the abyss of mindless old age, is the people who wouldn't care and would never get! And I'm not bubble head barbie posting any and every random thought, phrase or misdemeanor on my Facebook page for future steps to my success (or continued failure) to read! Next thing you know I will have to ditch my Facebook account altogether because really successful employers don't want me to have one and 10 people will be following my blog and I'll have to begin writing it under an assumed name to protect myself and my imposed innocence!!

I'm perched on a parapet reading my own postcards from the edge, wondering which road to take now that I'm five miles of bad road past the fork in the road. And more importantly--who will carry on. If I give up my struggle against the tide, how long before we spawn generations that have never even heard of Jim Morrison? I work with kids, and it's a constant source of frustration and surprise. The only way I could explain the Who when they played last year's Superbowl was that one or more of them had seen an episode of CSI! Not one of them has ever seen Mickey Rouke when he was dirty but pretty. I cannot even contemplate how to introduce them to Billy Jack or Alice's Restaurant, any right of passage in my family, although Chelsey is a God fearing friend to Sarah Palin, so now that Arlo is a Republican, he might get her vote.

I want to get my kicks before the whole shit house goes up in flames--but have I waited too long already?? Do you see what those kids post on their pages? Those are song lyrics? Give me a break! I read that crap and I think who's hillybilly hip hop got too close to the pop princess gene pool with no lifeguard and this is what came out of that gorilla love-in? What happened to parity people?? I've watched Jersey Shore, I don't care to keep up with the Kardashian's but I know who they are. 10 plastic surgeries in one day, Bristol dancing, Levi running, or running away. But, here is the true crime of an internet age, too many entertainment outlets or distractions, so no exposure to true old school, back in the day (I soo, soo, soo hate that phrase) anything. When 20 channels was all you could get you saw a real movie, in black and white, low definition, in all it's chain smoking spender! The Picture of Dorian Gray, I love George Sanders. Have you ever tried to explain George Sanders to anyone under 35? First I have to define rogue. And eventually we get around to Jungle Book, and you can almost see a light bulb go off. They have no more idea of George Sanders than they do Colonel Sanders, and few of them even know who he is! Here's my absolute favorite--I wanted to be amusing and express BEWARE to Amber, so I text her "Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson!" When it requires 15 minutes of explanation, it is no longer funny!

Ok, I wrote a little more. Thank you to Deborah who noticed I hadn't written anything since last week. You know what they say, "Be careful what you wish for!!"

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