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Friday, August 20, 2010

Running Down a THING

I love to write. Not to pretend that I do it well, I just love it. At times I completely understand how writers outline and diagram a novel--and it ends up somewhere else entirely. I get that. It's like the Invisible Hand theory I studied in Economics, only interesting (just kidding professor!). It's one of the most exciting parts about writing--when the words just roll on, sometimes faster than you can type them.
My problem, if you can sincerely call it a problem, is that I really, really want to blog. I want to commit to an hour a day. I want to make the commitment, devote the time to a positive outlet in my life, and have the discipline to follow through and stick with it. So do I need rules and sturcture for my blog? Should I begin this endeavor with an outline, a diagram, a concept blog? Already I can feel the joy of writing running off the page. Up to this point I have sat down and put fingers to keyboard just pretty much when a topic popped for me. Usually some quirk of mine, tweaked by some unpleasant occurrence. Tony Robbins is whispering in my ear telling me that setting a goal and accomplishing it is going to turn my life around, and believe me when I tell you my life could use a u-turn! So what do I do?
Hear is the rub--I want people to read it. I want followers! Badly, actually. I want them to look for it in the morning like the paper, and chuckle as they go just like I did while I was writing it. I saw a couple on the Today Show (and folks, the more I follow news shows the more it becomes clear to me that it doesn't take a whole lot to get on early morning tv), where the man talks in his sleep. It was more specific than that, but it's been a while and it wasn't all that. The woman would essentially tape the nighttime conversations and re type them in her blog (had a chef boyfriend once who frequently sauteed in his sleep, little did I know I could parlay him into 15 minutes of fame). They had people across the pond and back following her blog! Unfortunately the only thing you would learn from my bedroom at night is that apparently I snore more frequently than I use to. Now that is something I want to blog about!
I saw an episode of House where a blogger related everything she did all day. Sample of my daily blog would be--Went to my first job. Ate more carbs than 3 people needed. Wondered how many carbs I could squeeze in for lunch? Changed clothes in anticipation of my second job of the day, make fashion statement with a t-shirt that reads "I like pink butt, and I can't lie!" . . . you get the picture. Who would read that? Perfect for an English as a Second Language class! This last example is actaully a tweet issue instead of a blog, but a follower is a follower. I chick wins a contest to be the only person that Conan "Coco" O'Brien follows on Twitter. This freaking girl suddenly has offers for a designer wedding gown, a new job, some guy wants to send her to college! I have a Twitter account, sigmundfreud102, Coco--tweet me up!!.

I use to pray for a fabulous man, a kicking job and to lose 20 pounds. Then I prayed for a kickin' job and to lose 20 pounds. Now I'd almost trade those 20 pounds for my blog to go virile on the internet. I list my blog on my email accounts. I list them on Facebook. I submit them to stumble on. Help! Could those two people who follow me now brainstorm some kind of "hook" for me. Could you poll your grandmother or your kids? I'm desperate. Maybe I could start a "Save My Blog" fan page!

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