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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Should I Write or Should I Quit Now?

I used to be funny when I blogged! Where has all the sarcastic humor gone??? Even after just a few days I don't feel the torrid tales of my youth is really working out. It feels so Chelsey Handler, and she really irritates me!!! It is interesting, too, because on a certain level you would think she would be my hero/alter ego/ much older mentor--but I don't find any redemption in her work. It's all about making fun of herself or others. She has a show. She has book deals. Apparently I alone dislike her. I tend to compare her to Dave Letterman. In the late night war/world I have always been Team Dave. And there is no one who likes a joke at someone elses expense, better than Dave Letterman. And he certainly gets on rants about things, i.e. CBS, Jay Leno, Carson Daly. Sort of the lovechild of John Irving and Tom Robbins, but, and here is the real heart of the matter, Dave also has a very human side. You can tell people he likes, he can redeem his bad behavior and show compassion when the situation is called for. Dave was consistently a great fan of Warren Zevon, and when Warren was sick and dying, Dave gave him a whole show. Unheard of in the late night television world.
Chelsey, just wants to snarf, especially at midgets. For some reason that especially bothers me.
So . . . how do I have some humanity like Dave, but find a obviously sick audience like Chelsey?
I friend of mine suggested telling the tales of my salad days when I was green(for a lot of reasons) would be cathartic, no. I mean, I own them, most of them no longer embarrass me. When I get on a roll I really could make them funny. Just don't know if it's working for me. I mean, look at all the good material I'm missing. Michael Lohan is hungry enough to let Dr. Drew show his creepy love life, only to get out and get arrested again, and maybe again. That old Journey guy apparently buys Michaele Salahi a new Bentley. She should be calling her latest adventure the Valtrex tour!
See, which way to go? My blog needs a niche. What is my niche? Am I truly nicheless?? It's all so confusing. Why couldn't I just have something easy like those people in England who's husband talked whole sentences and stories, whatever, in his sleep and she taped them and blogged about them. Hundreds of people followed the blog. Matt Lauer interviewed them from England! WTF?? I can promise that if I kept going with my life it would be much more interesting than whatever that man said in his sleep!!!

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