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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Interactive Post and new Ideas--Retooled

With work and moving I have had plenty on my plate. Have made notes in my mind and on scraps of paper at work about new ideas--hopefully some I will have time for over the next few days. Things like the Most Arrested Families in Hollywood, think I already have a winner for that one. I have quite a rant about all the near misses I have daily on 66 just due to being a shit driver and all the distractions that wind me over into another lane, or just off the side of the road. And I'm very interested in a piece about the so called 27 Club, dead musicians and such. Those are my ideas for the next few pieces. But since it's late and I get up very early in the morning I had an idea for a more interactive piece. Was listening to the ipod on my way home thinking about some of my favorite lines from songs. All different bands, genres--If I know them someone else must. See how many you know. Betting even Dewey couldn't guess them all.
  1. You didn't love the boy too much, you just loved the boy too well.
  2. I went home with a waitress, the way I always do.
  3. I was off to drink you away.
  4. Once there was this spider in my bed, I got caught up in her web . . . .
  5. You send your lover off to China and you wait for her to call. You put your girl up on a pedestal, and wait for her to fall.
  6. Everybody told me you can't get far, with $37 dollars and a Jap guitar.
  7. I'm Lookin' for a Woman with Low Self-Esteem.
  8. Don't you know you're nothing more than a one night stand?
  9. Come on baby leave some change behind, she was a bitch, but I don't card. She brought our food out on time and wore a funky barrette in her hair.
  10. Well she asked me if sometime I'd fix her barn, Poor old girl they needs a hand to run the farm.
  11. I took her work I took it all, Beneath the sign that said "U-haul"
Some are very easy, some are a little harder. Some are just things I loved over the years. More real blog to come. In the meantime, how many can you guess correctly.
Happy Thanksgiving All!

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